JTC invites firms to submit proposals

JTC Corporation has invited local and foreign firms to submit proposals on industrial infrastructure development.

JTC said on Wednesday that it has launched a “Request For Proposal” (RFP), seeking cutting-edge ideas on intensifying land use and accelerating construction time.

A S$5m innovation fund has been set aside to support and develop ideas that will create new industrial infrastructure solutions to grow the Singapore economy, JTC said in a statement.

It added that the two key themes for the proposals were increasing plot ratio of buildings in the marine and aerospace industries, and increasing construction speed of industrial infrastructure.

The duration for each project proposal shall be for a maximum of two years and they should not have commenced before the funding is approved.

Foreign organisations would be required to partner a local organisation or have a local presence to be eligible to participate in the project.

The closing date for submission is June 7.

Mr Manohar Khiatani, CEO of JTC, said: “Innovation is of high priority to JTC and is key to sustaining Singapore’s competitive edge as an investment location.”

In March 2010, JTC launched the inaugural JTC Innovation Fund. Last year, a total grant of S$900,000 was awarded by JTC to fund three research projects which were aimed at improving the environmental sustainability of its industrial parks.

Out of the three projects, two were submitted by the Nanyang Technological University and one by the National University of Singapore.

Source : Channel NewsAsia – 30 Mar 2011

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