Qingdao Construction

Qingdao Construction submits highest bid of S$136m for Punggol site

The Housing and Development Board (HDB) has closed the tender for a residential site at Punggol Drive/Punggol East after receiving four bids. The highest bid of S$136 million for the site came from Qingdao Construction. That translates to about S$237 per square foot per plot ratio. The next highest of S$133 million came from joint bidders Hoi Hup Realty, Sunway Developments and SC Wong Holdings. Li Hiaw...

URA awards tender for Upper Serangoon Rd site to Qingdao Construction

The Urban Redevelopment Authority has awarded the tender for the residential site at Upper Serangoon Road and Pheng Geck Avenue to Qingdao Construction. The company submitted the highest bid of S$113.7 million, or about S$588 per square foot of gross floor area. The tender was launched in April this year and closed two weeks ago. A total of 15 bids was received for the site. Other developers who...

DBSS tender for Bishan site awarded to Qingdao Construction

Qingdao Construction Group Corporation has won a Housing and Development Board (HDB) tender to build public housing flats at a site in Bishan Street 24. It submitted a tender price of S$135,888,777. The site is the fourth to be offered under HDB's Design, Build and Sell Scheme (DBSS) where the developer bids for the land, designs, builds and sells the flats as public housing. The flats have a 99-year...

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