HDB Valuation

Same valuation basis for all HDB flats: Khaw

National Development Minister Khaw Boon Wan said home buyers are currently paying above the value assessed by professional valuers as it is "a seller's market". Mr Khaw was replying to a parliamentary query by Member of Parliament for Tampines Group Representation Constituency, Baey Yam Keng, on the increasing cash-over-valuation figures. Mr Khaw said the basis of valuation for all HDB flats are the...

HDB valuation: Mindset change needed?

Last week, a Housing and Development Board (HDB) executive flat in Queenstown was sold on the resale market for a new record price of S$1 million, the first time that the magical number was achieved for public housing. The deal broke the previous record reached only a week earlier, when a Bishan executive maisonette was sold for S$980,000. While the price tags may have raised eyebrows, it was a long time...

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