DC Rates

Development charge rates raised 1.7% on average for commercial use, trimmed 0.3% for non-landed residential use

The government has raised development charge (DC) rates for commercial use by 1.7 per cent on average for the period Sept 1, 2019 to Feb 29, 2020. This is a slower rate of increase than the 9.8 per cent hike for the last revision that took effect March 1 this year. DC rates for non-landed residential use have been trimmed by 0.3 per cent on average. This follows the 5.5 per cent cut in...

DC rates raised for non-landed residential, commercial and hotel/hospital uses

THE government is increasing development charge (DC) rates, payable for enhancing the use of some sites or to build bigger projects on them, for commercial, non-landed residential and hotel/hospital uses. However, DC rates remain unchanged for landed residential, industrial, place of worship/civic and community institution, and other use groups. The latest DC rates are for the period of Sept 1, 2016,...

Increase in DC rates for non-landed and landed residential homes

Developers will have to work in higher costs for new projects, as the development charge (DC) rates for both non-landed and landed residential homes have been increased. They have gone up by an average of 13 per cent. This is largely within market expectations, given the broad-based recovery in the property sector. But the announcement comes one day after the government announced new measures to cool...

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