Property a leading retirement investment

Around one in every 10 Singaporean is 65 years old and above, which means the resident population of 3,789,300 citizens and permanent residents (PRs) is indisputably an ageing population.

In light of this, recent reports have focused on the issue of land scarcity for building centres for the elderly who have contributed to nation-building.

That is why acquiring investment portfolios prior to retirement is a practical move. Those approaching retirement can opt to acquire fixed income, real estate, foreign currencies and perhaps passion investments such as wine, watches and art.

Preferred investments include monthly rental income from real estate. Ideally suited for multi-generational wealth preservation and transfer, real estate is a long-term investment that has steady income stream and low price volatility.

As the withdrawal age for the Central Provident Fund (CPF) is pushed further away, more people are investing in residential properties, getting funds from their CPF. This indirect use of CPF will only be available at 65 years of age.

Other property segments may also be considered for investment, including retail, commercial and even overseas properties.

Source : PropertyGuru – 23 Feb 2012

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