More services, more info on OneMap

The Singapore Land Authority (SLA) said two new services have been added to OneMap, an integrated map platform for the public to access government agencies’ location-based services and information.

PropertyPrices shows the transacted prices of both private housing and Housing and Development Board (HDB) resale flats over the past year on a map.

Users can also view information such as size of the unit, tenure type (freehold or leasehold) and transaction date.

It combines property transaction data provided by the URA and HDB on a common map platform.

Space2Lease allows businesses to check for government properties available for rent by the SLA and HDB.

SLA said OneMap is now also available on the iPhone.

Several iPhone apps have already been published using this platform, including NParks’ Parks Live, URA’s Masterplan 2008 and Property Market Information, as well as Nanyang Polytechnic’s Pocket OneMap.

The Pocket OneMap makes it easy for users to access OneMap information and services while on the go.

SLA said OneMap has been well received since its launch a year ago.

And the public has also given useful suggestions to improve OneMap.

One suggestion taken on board was the Public Transport Routing service.

It provides travel directions and journey planning on public buses and the MRT, enabling users to choose the route best suited to their needs and calculates the trip fare, estimated travel time and travel distance to their destinations.

Source : Channel NewsAsia – 18 May 2011

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