MND proposing HUDC statute amendment for privatisation of Braddell View

The Ministry of National Development has proposed an amendment to the HUDC Housing Estates Act. This is to primarily facilitate the privatisation of Braddell View.

Braddell View – the only HUDC estate left governed by the act – was developed on two different land leases with separate expiry dates.

In order to privatise the estate, the different dates need to be harmonised.

The existing act empowers the body corporate of Braddell View HUDC Estate to collect contributions from all its flat lessees in equal proportion, but Phase 2 lessees may not agree to pay the same amount as Phase 1 lessees.

The proposed amendment will allow Braddell View’s body corporate to determine the share of the premium to be paid.

The Amendment Bill will be tabled for a second reading at the next Parliament sitting.

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