JTC seeks consultant for divestment

Infrastructure specialist JTC Corp will launch a tender today to appoint a real estate consultant for the second stage of its divestment exercise.

JTC wants to divest 20 blocks of flatted factories with a total area of more than 300,000 sq m.

These high-rise ready-built properties, located in various parts of Singapore, already have a mature private sector market, it said.

JTC said one of the objectives of the divestment exercise, initiated in 2005, was to promote competition in the industrial property market so that existing and prospective tenants may benefit from more options.

It will evaluate all submissions based on merit, with an emphasis on real estate consultants that have a proven track record in trade sales.

The deadline will be 4pm on Nov 9.

The first stage of the divestment exercise was completed in 2008, when JTC sold a selected portfolio of high-rise ready-built properties to Mapletree Investments.

Source : Today – 15 Oct 2010

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