The Housing Board of Development (HDB) said its latest survey among HDB residents offered the Selective En Bloc Redevelopment Scheme (SERS) revealed continued strong support for the scheme.
Among the 949 households surveyed, close to 95 per cent expressed support for SERS.
This is the highest level of support since HDB started the bi-annual survey in 2001.
The survey showed that residents are happy that SERS allows them to continue living in the same estate close to their familiar neighbours.
Almost all the households surveyed expressed a strong sense of belonging to their community.
HDB said one in five households also indicated that their family life had improved, attributing it to a new spacious flat and a better living environment.
The number of households who find their new flats value for money also increased from 89 per cent in the 2007 survey to 97 per cent in the latest 2009 survey.
Source : Channel NewsAsia – 11 Feb 2011