HDB launches tender for residential sites in Punggol & Yishun

The Housing & Development Board (HDB) is launching two residential sites for sale by public tender.

The sites in Punggol and Yishun will yield some 1,215 units.

The Reserve List sites were successfully triggered for public tender two weeks ago.

The Punggol site is designated for Executive Condominium housing development, while the site in Yishun is for condominium housing.

These sites are just two of eight sites that have been successfully triggered from the Reserve List.

There are another 10 sites on the List which can potentially yield 4,280 homes still available for sale.

Together with the 2,925 dwelling units in the Confirmed List that are tendered or being put up for tender, the first half Government Land Sales Programme could potentially yield 10,550 housing units.

The government says it is the highest since the Reserve List / Confirmed List system started in 2001.

Source : Channel NewsAsia – 5 May 2010

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