Engage only accredited agents

WE REFER to the report, “Rental scams on the rise here” (Oct 13).

It is important for the public – who may be potential tenants, buyers, landlords and/or sellers – to be aware of their rights and to do as much due diligence checks before entering into any contracts or handing over monies.

We strongly advise the public to engage or work with accredited agents and salespersons under the Singapore Accredited Estate Agencies Scheme, which is administered by the Singapore Accredited Estate Agencies (SAEA). The list of accredited agencies, agents and salespersons can be found on our website at www.saea.org.sg.

The SAEA was launched jointly in Nov 2005 by real estate industry organisations, the Ministry of Finance, the Housing and Development Board and the Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore.

Since its establishment, SAEA, with support from the authorities and major real estate agencies, has been striving to improve the image of the industry by introducing various initiatives that will bring the sector closer to providing quality and professional service.

The SAEA, under its constitution, can take to task accredited agents and salespersons for any unethical and unscrupulous actions.

In addition, the SAEA has also introduced a complaints-cum-mediation facility to address consumers’ concerns. This is a one-stop facility for all consumers to seek redress by directing them to the appropriate

Wilson Lim
Executive Director
Singapore Accredited Estate Agencies Limited (SAEA)

Source : Today – 22 Oct 2008

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